Newton, MA Insurance Agency Blog

Check back regularly for the latest insurance industry news and points of interest that impact residents and businesses in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Rhode Island.

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Industrial Chemical Plastic Canisters

Learn what hazardous waste transportation insurance in Massachusetts is and who needs it.

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Roofing Crew At Work

Learn how to customize artisan contractors insurance for Masachusetts roofers.

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abandoned restaurant at beach

Learn why property damage insurance is essential for Massachusetts restaurants.

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exterior of white limousine

Learn what limousine insurance is in Massachusetts and what options are available.

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Construction Worker Closeup with Hardhat in Hand

Learn how Massachusetts artisan contractors insurance is different from other insurance.

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Back view of woman working at the butcher's shop opening the fridge

Your restaurant should have Boiler and Machinery Coverage, also known as Equipment Breakdown Insurance. Learn why...

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delivery man standing by his van

Learn what is Hire and Reward insurance in Massachusetts and what businesses should have it.

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Man installs and checks underfloor heating. Floor heating system installation

Learn ways to choose the best and reduce the cost of Massachusetts artiisan contractors insurance.

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closed out of business sign

Learn why, as part of an overall Massachusetts commercial restaurant insurance policy, water, utilities, and sewage insurance could be important.

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