Artisan Contractors Insurance and Why HVAC Contractors in Massachusetts Need It




ac repairman working on hvac unit


Michael Kovalev

HVAC contractors are accustomed to dealing with risk—risk of injury, risk of theft, risk of property damage during a job, risk of property damage after a job.


Accidents happen to even the most careful of Massachusetts HVAC contractors. No matter how hard you work to minimize the risks, not every job will go right every time. No employee can be infallible 100% of the time—they will slip up, get hurt, or make a mistake. Not all equipment will be in perfect condition 100% of the time—pipes will leak, and units will fail. While you can’t avoid the unavoidable, you can mitigate the fallout. That’s why every HVAC contractor in Massachusetts needs HVAC contractor artisan insurance.


Is Artisan Insurance essential for a Massachusetts HVAC contractor?

If you’re an HVAC contractor working in Newton, MA, Wellesley, MA, or Needham, MA, whether you’re replacing an older HVAC unit, expanding a commercial HVAC system, installing a new HVAC design, or servicing a domestic hot-water system, you will need insurance.


For an HVAC contractor, what does Artisan Insurance Cover?

Artisan Insurance is also known as Contractors Insurance and Artisan Contractor’s Insurance and is a liability insurance that can be tailored to suit your HVAC business needs and budget.


Artisan insurance offers coverage for:

• Employee injury—if one of your employees is injured and your Newton HVAC business is liable, you will be covered by your artisan insurance.

• Tool theft—if one of your specialist HVAC tools is stolen from a property in Brookline, you will be covered by your contractors insurance.

• Accidental fire—if a faulty wiring installation in an HVAC system causes a fire and your Needham, MA, HVAC business is held liable, you will be covered by your artisan contractor’s insurance.

• Completed operations liability—if damage is caused to a customer’s property in Newton, MA, and your HVAC business is deemed responsible, you will be covered by your artisan contractor’s insurance.


Is there customized Artisan Insurance for the HVAC Industry in Massachusetts?

Like most types of insurance, Artisan Insurance covers a full range of liabilities, and you can pick and choose your coverage to suit the needs of your Massachusetts HVAC business specifically. Areas of liability covered under artisan insurance include General Liability, Contractors Equipment Liability, Employee Injury Liability, and Auto Liability. The type of Massachusetts artisan insurance and the level of artisan insurance you choose is up to you.


Should I choose a local contractors insurance agency near me for my HVAC business?

For an HVAC business, it always pays to use a local agency for insurance. Based in Newton, Massachusetts, Kovalev Insurance has a long history of working with HVAC contractors in Newton, Brookline, Needham, and Wellesley. We understand the needs and issues unique to the industry and to the area. Kovalev Insurance has the best Massachusetts insurance agents for small businesses, contractors, HVAC fitters, and service providers in the Newton, Needham, Wellesley, and Brookline areas.


Find out more about a top-rated local insurance agency and what we can do for your Massachusetts HVAC business. We can help you find the right coverage and save you money on your HVAC artisan insurance. Not only that, but if the worst does happen and you need to make a claim, you’ll have a local agent who is familiar, knowledgeable, trustworthy, and always in your corner.


For more information on the best artisan contractor insurance coverage in Massachusetts, contact Kovalev Insurance Agency.

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